Sunday, March 26, 2017

March-ing forward.....

A few more auditions in this weekend.  No jobs yet.  Down to the last week of March already!  Aggg!  It seems unlikely that I'm going to be successful in getting enough work to take that class!


I know that the studio's all will take money and put together a demo reel, and that would be fine if I could get the system started!  Do a job or two, buy a demo set-up.  Get a few more jobs, upgrade equipment/take classes.  But without the first job, I'm kind of left to scrape together what I can and save up for things.  If that is what is needed, I guess that is what I'll do.  I so hoped that I could get to the next class next month!  I'd even do that over Calgary Expo I think!

Anyhow, time to go make dinner.  I'll just have to keep watching for postings that fit me well and learn how to work the sound software better.  I think that will help.

....or win the loto and just buy studio time!

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