Monday, August 7, 2017

Got to get it together....

Well, I finally slapped together a cartoon demo.... 11 minutes too late to get in on the new tv show auditions.  :-(  Well, it is posted now.  I can improve on it and re-post, but with it out there I will finally appear in the search listings.  Well, it is a start.  The demo is about 2min long, a bit long really.  I need to shorten the clips and add a few more.  Get it down to 90sec.
Ugh!  Tired.  Yes, it was a long weekend, but I spent the last two days sick and unable to sit up and do editing for the demo!  At least the fever went away.

Oh, the other bit of news?  The animation intensive weekend has been canceled....again!

I think I may need to go with the local company and hope they are not offended that I started with someone else.  It is so frustrating, I don't have resources in abundance to sink into this, I have to get things rolling so it can cover it's own costs!  I'm going to need another year of Voices membership in a couple months, plus a replacement computer since this one is 11 years old already!  Well, I did get two likes from auditions in the last few weeks, so that is a start.

Work in the morning, so I better get into bed.  Short week, off Friday and then next week.  I'll save the project in Audacity and go dream for a bit.....

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


I have managed to get a few more auditions in, two of them were even liked!    Yay! jobs.  :-(  So, I'll have to keep auditioning and trying.  I misses out on the Stella audition, I didn't get my edits done in time and missed it by a few minutes!  Phoo! So I may need to get a side job if I want to be in the class next month.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The GRIND........

Ugh!  It has been a few weeks now since I have tried to do anything with VO.  :-(  Everything just seems to be dragging me off, mostly my energy level.  They still have not finalized the dates for the weekend VO class in town, I'll drop them a line to ask again, as well as congrats for Lee on the Leo award!  Yay!

The Bill DeWees thing was great, and he has such a lot of helpful advice and encouragement.  I feel like I'm failing by not getting something going! I've got to keep my eye on the long-game.....